Sibylla pretiosa.
Taxonomy: |
Kingdom: |
Animalia |
Phylum: |
Arthropoda |
Sub-Phylum: |
Tracheata |
Class: |
Insecta |
Sub-Class: |
Pterygota |
Super-Order: |
Dictyoptera |
Order: |
Mantodea |
Sub-Order: |
- |
Family: |
Sibyllidae |
Sub-Family: |
Sibyllinae |
Tribe: |
- |
Genus: |
Sibylla |
Species: |
pretiosa |
Year: |
1856 |
Distribution: |
Ethiopia, Kenya, Congo, Malawi, Natal, Namibia,
Somalia, Swasiland, Tansania, Transvaal, Sambia,
Simbabwe-N |
Females: get ?
Males: get ?
Diet: Drosophila, houseflies, crickets, flour worms.
To the newly hatched larvae must be promptly offered
Drosophila flies.
Status: These oothecae were collected from the
wild. They are starting to hatch now, will see how
good the survival rate is...

L1, 2 days old nymph. |