Ghost Mantis (Phyllocrania
paradoxa) Family-Hymenopodidae.
Taxonomy: |
Kingdom: |
Animalia |
Phylum: |
Arthropoda |
Sub-Phylum: |
Tracheata |
Class: |
Insecta |
Sub-Class: |
Pterygota |
Super-Order: |
Dictyoptera |
Order: |
Mantodea |
Family: |
Hymenopodidae |
Sub-Family: |
Epaphroditinae |
Tribe: |
Phyllocranini |
Genus: |
Phyllocrania |
Species: |
paradoxa |
Year: |
1838 |
Distribution: |
Ethopia, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Angola, Guinea,
Cape Province, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Transvaal,
Uganda, Simbabwe, Guinea, Cape Province, Kenya,
Cameroon, Congo,
Madagascar, Mosambique, Namibia, Somalia. |
They should be kept at 25 - 30°C (77 - 86°F),
60% humidity. Adults get 45- 50 mm long. This is
a long-lived mantis. They molt approximately every
3- 5 weeks until the 4th molt. After 4th molt, they
eat infrequently and the last shed before adult
hood can take 1- 2 month. Young should be sprayed
5-7 times a week, adults 3 times a week. Unlike
most other mantis species, Ghost mantids can be
kept in groups. They like to hang upside down, so
try to provide a tall container.
Diet: Drosophila, houseflies, crickets, flour worms.
To the newly hatched larvae must be promptly offered
Drosophila flies.
Statis: With some luck, if more will hatch, will
have some oothecas available for trades only in
5- 7 month (or sooner).


One day old nymp.

L3 nymph.

L5 nymph.

Adult male.

Adult female. |