Lobster Cockroach (Henschoutedenia
flexivitta/ Nauphoeta cinerea?)
These cockoroaches are one of the easiest to keep
and breed. They are commonly used as feeder cockroaches.
They are fast and will climb glass, thus making
them the perfect feeder for Mantids and Reptiles.
There is no such thing as over crowding for these
roaches. They will breed to an infinite amount,
as such there may be many layers piled up on top
of each other, as long as food and jelly (for moisture
if fed of dry feed) is provided, they will keep
on reproducing with out any signs towards an over
Currently, we are working with selection breeding
of these Lobster roaches in hopes to rear more dominant
and larger adult size culture. We are still in the
beginning stages of selection breeding. Currently,
we have 6 cultures; 3 of which are being observed
for the dominant behaviours using a number of tests;
the other 3 cultures are observed for the largest
sizes of each sex. Ones we have selected at least
ten pairs of each type; half will be bred and compared
to the regular roaches for the next year; the other
half will be bred between each other from which
I can't wait to see how they are going to pair up
and will go from there.
Special thanks to Filix Filix for starting this
project and his great observations.

Close up of an adult.

A small colony feeding on a piece of apple.

A well established culture. |