This extremely colorful species is found by
Paraguara river in Venezuela in Xerophil bush areas
and dry forest. It is one of the most colorful tarantulas
in the world. This specie was first introduced into
captivity in 1993. First instar spiderlings are
about 1/2 an inch long. They growth rate is a bet
faster then that of a Rose Hair tarantula.
They should be kept at 80-90F, 40-60% humidity.
Spiderlings needs higher humidity, but 80% humidity
or higher will kill adults. C. cyaneopubescebs can
tolerate temperature drops down to 65F for short
periods of time as long as they have a deep burrow.
They should be kept away from windows, sunlight,
heater's and air conditioning.
Adults can be kept in 5 gallon tanks with 4-6"
peat moss/vermiculite mix with cork bark shelter
to hide under. They tend to make a lot of floor
Diet: Crickets, Wax Worms, King Worms, etc.
Males: as adults, can reach up to 4.5 inches
in leg span. Male will live up to only 2- 4 years.
Females: as aduls, may reach 6 inches in
leg span and weigh just over 1 ounce. Females will
live up to 12 years.

One inch long nymph. Already starting to show its
green and blue colorations.