Wondering Violin Mantis (Gongylus
gongylodes) Family- Empusidae.
Taxonomy: |
Kingdom: |
Animalia |
Phylum: |
Arthropoda |
Sub-Phylum: |
Tracheata |
Class: |
Insecta |
Sub-Class: |
Pterygota |
Super-Order: |
Dictyoptera |
Order: |
Mantodea |
Family: |
Empusidae |
Sub-Family: |
Empusinae |
Tribe: |
Empusini |
Genus: |
Gongylus |
Species: |
gongylodes |
Year: |
1758 |
Distribution: |
Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand, India, E-Java. |
They should be kept at 28- 40°C (82-104°F)
at day time, not below 23°C (73°F) at night
time. They need very little humidity, but if one
prefers 40- 50% if fine too. They should be misted
with water every 3- 4 days, so that they can drink
the droplets off their spines. The G. gongylodes
are specialists at catching flying insects. Nymphs
should be misted every 2 days. Nymphs will accept
food one day after hatching. Nymphs can already
be sexed at L2 by looking at their abdomen, or at
L3 by looking at their antennae. Females always
have shorter and thinner antennae.
A small halogen spotlight is very good illumination
during day time, which will make temperature at
approximately 40°C (104°F).
Each ootheca contains 15- 35 eggs. Oothecas needs
to be lightly misted every day with warmed water,
but this moisture must evaporate completely 1-2
hours later. Keep the air as dry as possible for
the rest of the day.
Females: live 8-12 month after maturity.
It takes 6 molts for the female to become an adult.
They become sexually mature 2 weeks after their
last molt. The female should be fed a lot before
a male is introduces to mate, other wise the female
may be too active, so if that is the case the male
will not mate with her. They will start laying oothecas
approximately 19 days after mating. Each female
will lay about 8 oothecas in her life.
Males: live 3-6 month after maturity. It
takes 5 molts for the male to become an adult.
Diet: Drosophila, houseflies, crickets, flour worms.
To the newly hatched larvae must be promptly offered
Drosophila flies.

Subadult male.

Subadult female.

Adult female.

Adult male.

Adult female. |