Fishers Chameleon (Chamaeleo
Fishers Chameleons make great pets. They will change
color and color patterns depending on their mood.
If they are darker color, it’s a sign that
they are unhappy.. perhaps check it their heat light
is working properly or mist them with some water.
All of our Fishers Chameleons are W/C, unless other
wise specified, but are quarantined for at least
4 months prior to sale.
Important Note: Unfortunately
most of the Pet Store bought Fishers Chameleons
are W/C and not properly quarantined. When purchasing
your chameleon, take a look at their hind legs,
which should be nicely rounded and not showing any
Females: have much shorter double horns
as that of males.
Males: tend to be larger and have longer
horns then females.
Diet: Crickets, Wax Worms, Butter Worms, Phoenix
Worms and other grubs. They also love Baby Mashed
up Fruits, which should be offered at least twice
a week. Every second feeding powder their prey with
multi-vitamins to ensure healthy development of

An adult pair. |