Chinese Water Dragon (Physignathus
They originate from Southeast Asia, Thailand, Vietnam.
They should be kept at 85*F during the day time,
75*F during nights. They have to be cooled down,
when breeding them, 10*F below the regular temperature
usually does the trick. They love to climb, so branches
must be provided, as they love to stay on the highest
altitude possible. As the name states, they are
a water lizard, so they need a large water dish
(for small to medium size nymphs a Kitten Litter
Box is quite sufficient. They like to swim, will
even run on water, but most importantly if over
heated, they will sit in the water to cool down.
Their breeding season is October thru January. They
become sexually mature at 2- 3 years old. The egg
laying season lasts December thru March. Gestration
period lasts 60 days, if kept at 86*F and 100% humidity
(mist eggs daily). The first sign of over heating,
they will sit with their mouth half way open. As
adults, they are territorial, though keeping same
sizes together is usually ok.
The cage setup must include a water fall, if not,
then they have to be misted often. They require
Full-Spectrum light bulb or Sunlight.
Just about any type of substrate can be used for
these guys, with an exception of: cedar, pine, or
corn cobs. I have mine on Eco Earth.
Important Note: If
you turn them over and stroke their bellies, they
zonk out... Cute?.. NO, Stop! Lizards do not have
diaphragms to help them breath. Their ribs moving
in and out actually cause their lungs to inflate
and deflate. When a dragon is held upside down or
on its back, its stomach pushes on its lungs making
it difficult for it to breath and will eventually
result in suffocation.
Females: are slightly smaller then males.
Males: as adults get 36 inches long.
Diet: As nymphs, they will feed on Crickets, then
pinkie mice, and as adults can take pinkie rats.
All ages will accept Goldfish and fruits. As they
grow quite fast, all of their feed must first be
dusted in Calcium and other Vitamins.