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Glossary of terms used within this website.

Snake's venom and its effects.



Glossary of terms used within this website.


Glossary: Translation:
Camouflage A high degree of similarity between an animal and its visual environment, thich enables it to be disguised or concealed. By blending into the background the animal can elude predators or remain invisible to potential prey.
Capitulum The structure attached to the operculum of some phasmid ova, commonly known as the cap.
Carnivore An animal that eats mean, especially a member of the order Carnivora (eg. tigers, wolves). Carnivores are specialized by having strong powerful jaws and well-developed canine teeth. They may be predators or carrion eaters. Insects like mantids, assassin bugs, etc. are considered carnivores as the pray or feeding on other animals/insects.
Cercus (pl - cerci) Paired appendages on the end of the abdomen (e.g. Mantids, Phasmids).
Clasper(s) Clasping organs in male insects for holding the female during copulation. Sometimes the cerci are used as claspers.
Cloaca The common chamber into which the intestinal, urinary and reproductive duct discharge their contents, opening to the outside through the anus. Species such as birds, snakes etc. have the cloaca.
Choana Internal opening of the nasal passage in the roof of the mouth.
Compound eye The eye of insects and crustaceans, which consists of numerous visual units, the ommatidia. Each ommatidium sonsists of an outer cuticle covering a lens, beneath which are 6-8 retinal cells surrounding a light-sensitive rhabdom. Adjucent ommatidia are retinal cells by pigment cells. The eye in convex, with nerve fibres of compound eye. In apposition eyes, typical of diurnal insects, each ommatidium focuses rays parallel to its long axis so that each gives an image. In super position eyes, typical of nocturnal insects, the pigment separating ommatidia migrates to the ends of the cells, so that each ommatidium receives light from a larger part of the visual field and the image may overlap with those received by many naighbouring ommatidia. Thi produces an image that is bright but lacks sharpness of detail.
Condyle A smooth round knob of bone that fits into a socket on an ad joining bone, forming a joint. Such a joint permits up-and-down or side-to-side movement but does not allow rotation. There are condyles where the lower jawbone (mandible) is attached to the ckull, which permits chewing movements.
Corpus The whole body of the insect.
Costa The first vein of the wing.
Coxa The basal segment of an insect leg.
Crepuscular Active in the twilight (diurnal and nocturnal).

This is basically the technique whereby the prey animal becomes indistinguishable from its background, to avoid predator detection. This can be via background matching, whereby the animal visually resembles objects in its environment. For example; Extatosoma tiaratum, Extatosoma tiaratum green, Phyllium celebicum all resemble dead leaves.

This can also be through disruptive colouration, whereby the body of the prey animal either has features that detract from the shape of the animal itself. For example; Oreophoetes peruana, Pseudophasma acanthonata.

Countershading is another way that a vulnerable animal can blend in with its background. Basically, any solid object of uniform colour will appear brighter on the side from which it is lit (e.g. by the sun). Animals that take advantage of countershading usually have brighter colours on the underneath of its body, and darker colours above. When illuminated from above the greater ambient light intensity at the top is reflected less by the dark dorsum and the lower light intensity below is reflected more by the pale ventrum, the result being a loss of the 3D appearance. As far as I'm aware, this technique is not really used by mantids or phasmids.

Culture If a species is referred to as being 'in culture', it generally means that the species is successfully reared in captivity, in artificial conditions that replace those found in the species' natural environment.

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Care Sheet
California King Snakes
Stick/Leaf Insects
General Mantids
Blepharopsis Mendica
Ceratomantis saussu -re





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